IntroductionInspired by Docco, Groc is a document generator based on your comments in the source code. This is written in Groovy You can optionally use the Markdown to enhance the formatting. Find the source on Github. InstallationYou need to have Groovy installed on your machine. UseYou can launch it inside a directory containing your groovy files using It will create a folder called Only comments starting with |
@Grab(group='org.pegdown', module='pegdown', version='1.1.0') |
Import MarkupBuilder and PegDown processor |
import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder import org.pegdown.PegDownProcessor |
From args get the file type to be parse:
Default is "groovy" |
extension = args.length==1?args[0]:"groovy" brushes=[ groovy:"shBrushGroovy.js", gradle:"shBrushGroovy.js", java :"shBrushJava.js", css :"shBrushCss.js" ] |
Set Initial parameters such as current folder to process your |
root=new File(".") docs=new File("docs") docs.mkdir() toc=[:] |
Executing for all |
def parseFiles(File folder,String relativePath=""){ folder.listFiles().sort{ it.isDirectory()?1:-1 }.each{ if( =~ ".*\\.${extension}\$"){ File docFolder=new File(docs.path+"/"+relativePath) docFolder.mkdirs() File docSource=new File(docFolder.path+"/"".html") toc[it]=[ docSource,".html" ] } else if(it.isDirectory()&&!="docs"&&!".")){ parseFiles(it,"/") } } } parseFiles(root) |
This comment is not parsed because only single star when opening the comment. |
/* * Comment not parsed */ |
Take input file and output file. Erase output if existing |
def createGroc(File source, File output){ |
The Parser |
def parsedCode=[] boolean commentOn=false def currentCode // comment,code source.eachLine{ def line=it if(it =~ /^ *\/\*\*.*/){ if(!commentOn){ if(currentCode && currentCode.join("").size()>0)parsedCode<<currentCode currentCode=["", ""] line=it.replaceFirst(/^ *\/\*\*.*/,"") commentOn=true } } if(commentOn){ currentCode[0]+=((line =~ ".?\\*\\**/") .replaceFirst("") =~ "^ *\\*") .replaceFirst("")+"\n" } else{ if(line.size()==0){ if(currentCode && currentCode.join("").size()>0)parsedCode<<currentCode currentCode=["", ""] } else currentCode[1]+=line+"\n" } if(it =~ /.*\*\//){ commentOn=false } } if(currentCode && currentCode.join("").size()>0)parsedCode << currentCode |
Applying PegDown.markdown to all parsed comments |
PegDownProcessor m=new PegDownProcessor() parsedCode.each{ it[0] = m.markdownToHtml(it[0]) } |
The HTML template, thanks to MarkupBuilder |
def tl=new MarkupBuilder(new FileWriter(output)).html{ head{ title("Groc " meta("http-equiv":"content-type", content:"text/html; charset=UTF8") |
Inlining all the javascript and css |
style(media:"all"){ mkp.yieldUnescaped("".toURL().text) } style(media:"all"){ mkp.yieldUnescaped("".toURL().text) } style(media:"all"){ mkp.yieldUnescaped("".toURL().text) } script(type:"text/javascript"){ mkp.yieldUnescaped("".toURL().text) } script(type:"text/javascript"){ mkp.yieldUnescaped("${brushes[extension]}".toURL().text) } } body{ div(id:"content"){ if(toc.size()>1){ div("class":"topbar"){ div("class":"topbar-inner"){ div("class":"container"){ a("class":"brand", href:"#"){mkp.yield(} ul("class":"nav"){ toc.entrySet().each{item-> li("class":(item.key==source?"active":"")){ a("class":"source", href:docs.absolutePath+"/${item.value[1]}", item.key.path.replaceFirst("./","") ) } } } } } } } if(toc.size()<2){ h1{mkp.yield(} } table(cellpadding:"0", cellspacing:"0"){ tbody{ parsedCode.eachWithIndex {code,i-> tr(id:"section-"+i){ td("class":"docs"+(code[1].size()>0?"":" main"), colspan:code[1].size()>0?"1":"2"){ if(code[0]!=""){ div("class":(code[1].size()>0?"bubble":"")){ div("class":"pilwrap"){ a("class":"pilcrow", href:"#section-"+i, "#") } mkp.yieldUnescaped(code[0]) } } } if(code[1].size()>0){ td("class":"codes"){ pre("class":"brush: ${extension}; gutter: false; toolbar: false;"){ mkp.yield(code[1]) } } } } } } } } script(type:"text/javascript"){ mkp.yield("SyntaxHighlighter.all()") } } } } |
Do It! |
toc.entrySet().each{ createGroc(it.key,it.value[0]) } |